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Appearance is the most important thing for a modern teenager (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays a lot of people speak about an importance of the teenager beauty. Some of them believe that it is necessary to have a good appearance. While others insist that the beauty does not play a big role for teenagers, and they must develop their skills, and get new knowledge.

As far as I am concerned, modern teenagers think about only their hair, clothes and opinion of others. Firstly, if a person has got an unpleasant look such as a big nose or many spots, many children will not even try to get acquainted with him. That is why some people spent a lot of time on their appearance. Secondly, young people prefer to build relationships only with a sightly person. Therefore, common teenagers afraid to become alone, and they forget about study, family, and think only about their outside.

But there is a different point of view that nowadays study and family are the most significant things for teenagers.To begin with, parents always love one.

Besides, it does not depend on one’s fashionable clothes or nice face. Moreover, after school a person find a job. There he can find worthy friends who will communicate with him without a beautiful appearance.

But I cannot agree with this opposing opinion because teenagers pay their first attention to how others look. Only after that they decide to communicate with a person or not.

In conclusion, I would like to say that everyone should take care about appearance. However, teenagers do not crazy about it, and do it only for you.


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