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Письмо ОГЭ For Christopher Вариант 11 / For Julia Вариант 12 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)




Dear Christopher,

Thank you for your recent letter. I am happy because you found a hobby which you like. I think that snowboarding is a good idea.

As for me, I spend my weekends in winter with my relatives or with my friends. For example, my uncle and I skied at last holidays. And with friends we go to the rink or to the park and play snowballs here. I think that the best kind of sport for a teenagers is swimming. It is not hard and easy to learn. You can keep fit and swimming can help for you be healthy. I want to learn to play the piano. I think it will be interesting for me.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,






Dear Julia,

Thank you for your recent letter.

Unfortunately, I think that you cannot improve your English too. But you can improve it in the future.

As for me, I started learn English in the second class. At the beginning it was hard for me but with time I got a lot of new skills in English. And in the sixth class me knowledge in this language was higher than it was earlier. I have three English lessons in a week. They are in Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. I would like to learn French. In my opinion, this language is beautiful and popular. And they are reasons why I want to learn French.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,



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