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Do advantages of outsourcing outweigh disadvantages? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Task: Increasingly, the western world has been outsourcing its labour-related jobs to cheaper alternatives available in less-developed countries. Although this creates opportunities for people in poorer nations, it is a policy that is criticized by many in the west.

Do advantages of outsourcing outweigh disadvantages?

Outsourcing is becoming increasingly popular these days. This practice is the transfer of certain functions which are not part of the core activities from one company to another operating in the right area. I believe that despite the noticeable advantages for the hiring company, there are also significant disadvantages of outsourcing, which, in my opinion, are superior to any pros.

Without any doubts to outsource cheap counterparts for some scope of work from less-developed countries is an effective way for a company to drop its expenses.

This procedure also gives career opportunities for workers in poorer nations. Hence work by contract can bring benefits for both sides: business owner, who decides to get an agreement with an external organisation and employee of an outsourcing company.

However, contracting activity has big cons like lack of control and a possible decrease in the quality of services. When you outsource, you give up some monitoring of work performing because a contractor is not operating on-site. In this way, there are difficulties with maintaining the level of control you desire and consequently problems with the quality of accomplished work. In case, which hiring worker from the undeveloped country, the contractor can be not enough competent or low-skilled. It also leads to a lower service level. Unsatisfactory quality of products or services, in its turn, harms the reputation of the company.

In conclusion, I can say that financial benefits should not prevail over standards of quality. Unreasonably and unwary hiring contractors can damage the image of the company in the view of its customers.

259 words


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