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Browsing the Web is harmful for teenagers (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, in the era of globalization the Internet plays a big role in humans` lives. Some people claim that the Internet badly affect young people, while others think that there is nothing terrible.

I strongly believe that the Internet is not bad for teens. Firstly, the Internet is the largest library of information. Thanks for this source of information, teenagers can stud, do their homework and pay great attention to self-education. Every day they learn a lot of information and interesting facts about the world from the Web. Secondly, the Internet provides an opportunity to develop social skills of young people. There are many social networks and instant messengers. Teenagers can chat, make new friends, solve personal problems and express themselves there.

However, there are people who think that the network has a negative effect on teens` minds.

Young people spend too much time on the Internet. It can turn into addiction. This addiction can lead to the wasting teenagers time and to the other addictions.

I cannot agree with the viewpoint above. Of course, chat rooms and video games can be really addictive and distract teenagers from their studies. To avoid getting addicted teenagers should plan their time. If teens correctly do it, they can spend time on the network with benefit and leave time for other activities. Time planning helps teenagers to succeed.

All in all, I still believe that there are a lot of advantages in using the Web by teenagers. The Internet develops, teaches and entertains teen.


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