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Some people think that boys and girls should study separately at different schools (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people think that modern schools are not so good. They think it would be better as it used to be in the 18th and 19th centuries: boys study separately from girls in different schools. While there are some people with another opinion, they think that it is not relevant any more and there is nothing strange if children study together.

To my mind, there are some benefits in studying separately. I think that the students learn more efficiently in single sex schools. To start with, when puberty begins children’s mind would not be occupied by the opposite sex. Girls are not embarrassed with the opposite gender as well as boys. Thus, they can develop more quickly because children often make a better progress in a comfortable environment.

In addition, the studying programmes for girls or boys are drawn up separately. Obviously, it is a common fact that boys have more logical thinking, whereas girls’ mind is based on feelings and emotions.

However, there are some people with the different opinion. They think that when children study in one sex school it may cause some physiological problems, for example, they will not have enough experience of co-working with the other gender, while it is extremely important as in the real working environment both men and women cooperate to achieve the common goal.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with the above statement. Many teenagers can compensate lack of communication with the opposite gender via social networks. It is available for everyone nowadays.

To sum up, although traditional schools might seem quite beneficial, I strongly believe that, separate ones help young generation to grow up in the most suitable environment. After leaving school young people will have a lot of opportunities to develop communication with the opposite gender.


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