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The life of animals in a zoo is safer and happier than in their natural habitant (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays the problem of zoos causes great argument and controversy. Some people believe that it is better for animals to live in zoos, while others think that natural habitant is more suitable.

In my opinion natural habitant is happier than a zoo. To begin with, animals hate close area. Besides,a lot of zoos do not have suitable condition's. I have seen many times how animals suffer in zoos. For example,in cheap zoos you can see a white bear in a hot cage.

However,there exists another point of view on this issue. Some people say that a natural habitant is dangerous. They say that small animals have died earlier than in zoos. Animals have no food, safety and water.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I can not share it because I believe that people should not confine animals.

They must be free. Of course, we can give them food and water, but people can never give a freedom

In conclusion I would like to say that this problem is still to be discussed. All people think differently. As far as I am concerned, the life of animals in their natural habitant is the best life for them.


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