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Reading poetry is becoming less and less important for young people nowadays (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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Time has gone by, a lot of things have changed including teenagers preferences. Some people think that reading poetry is not popular with teenagers as it used to be, while, others are of the opinion that reading poetry is still appealing to young generation.

In my opinion, preferences in literature change with eras. To start with, nowadays many young people have lots of modern interests such as interests such as programming, web design and robotics. They give priority to these hobbies, because they find them more useful in their future. Secondly, poetry might seem quite boring for them. Usually, poetry is a quite romantic genre of literature which is full adjectives and description of feelings. Not all children are fond of it, they prefer other stories which are full of action, with unpredictable story twists and fantastic scenes, which will keep the reader excited up to the end.

It may give them ground for thoughts. Consequently, fiction broads horizons of the mind and make teenagers do creative things.

However, there are some people with the different opinion. They think that it is a great way for teenagers to understand themselves and the surrounding world. Reading poetry allows to see the connection between past and present, learn the culture of your country.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with the above opinion. I think that, there are many other ways to understand «who you are». For example, if teenagers do team sports like football or basketball, these sports will teach them some life lessons: how to work together to achieve a common goal, the importance of making decisions and responsibility for the whole team.

To sum up, although poetry has been inspiring people during ages and taught how to be kind and humane, I strongly believe that it is not relevant anymore. Obviously, there are a lot of other interesting things that attract modern teenagers.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 1 балл

Существенно превышен объём сочинения (313 слов), проверяется только часть до слов will teach them some включительно.

К2 (организация текста) – 2 балла

Использование логических связок и абзацное членение корректны. Несостоятелен аргумент о способности лишь прозы расширять ментальные горизонты, поскольку поэзии это доступно в той же мере. В опровержении противоположного мнения не затрагивается вопрос о том, что именно, если не поэзия, может поспособствовать пониманию детьми «окружающего мира», «связи прошлого и настоящего», «культуры страны».

К3 (лексика) – 2 балла

Time has gone by, a lot of things have changed – As time goes by, a lot of things change;

modern interests such as interests such as programming – modern interests such as programming;

more useful in their future – more useful for their future;

give them ground for thoughts – give them ground for thought;

fiction broads horizons – fiction broadens horizons;

They think that it is a great way – They think that poetry is a great way.

4 (грамматика) – 1 балл

teenagers preferences – teenagers' preferences;

reading poetry is not popular with teenagers as it used to be – reading poetry is not as popular with teenagers as it used to be;

appealing to young generation – appealing to the young generation;

is full adjectives – is full of adjectives;

description of feelings – descriptions of feelings;

make teenagers do – makes teenagers do;

people with the different opinion – people with a different opinion;

Reading poetry allows to see – Reading poetry allows one/you to see;

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 1 балл

while, others are – while others are;

these hobbies, because they – these hobbies because they;

I think that, there are – I think that there are

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