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Comment on the following statement: Some people believe that while at school students (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Comment on the following statement: Some people believe that while at school students should concentrate on studying; others think that working part-time has many advantages.

Nowadays the problem of studying has aroused strong debates. Many people are in favour of idea that children in school should be learning all the time, but others are convinced that kids also can have jobs while they are studying.

In my opinion, the most important thing is studying. To begin with, the school education determines your future life because it is a foundation for everything. What is more, studying in that age should better be the fullest one because in that case it would be easier to realize and form your preferences in life.

However, there exist another point of view on this issue. First of all, people believe that children should implement themselves by working somewhere.

Besides, they think that working part-time is a great opportunity to test kids' stability.

Nevertheless, I am afraid I cannot agree with this idea because children should think about future job that is more serious then a part-time working. For that they need to have a good education. Also, having a job at a young age might be very stressful and have bad influence on kids.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the problem of studying is still to be discussed. As far as I am concerned, the point is to do an emphasis on study.


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