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Education is the most important possession a person can have. Сборник Вербицкая (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is common knowledge that education is an important part of our life. Some people believe that it is the most important possession that you have. At the same time, others consider that there is something really more important than education.

I agree with the point of view that education is the most important possession in our life . First of all, educated

people can get highly paid job . By this reason, you may allow yourself a lot of opportunities like traveling, expensive things or good accommodation.

Moreover , thanks to education you can make your dream come true. For example, you wanted to be a pilot since your childhood. If you get the education, you will know how to manage the airplane.

There are people who have the opposite opinion. They are sure that health is more important than education. In

other words , if you get ill , you will think about recovery not about education. Besides, it is hard to get knowledge if you feel yourself bad.

However, I cannot agree with the opposite opinion completely because our health,of course, is very important possession in life but you will not able to get highly paid job and, consequently, buy medicine pills to protect your health if you not have education.

In conclusion, I would like to state that education is really the main possession in our life but our health plays important role too.


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