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Fast food outlets should be closed. It is the government`s responsibility to protect the environment? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Fast food outlets should be closed.

There is a popular trend to think that fast food restaurants should be banned. At the same time, a lot of people like places that sell junk food and want them to stay open.

In my view, fast food is harmful and unhealthy, because of that outlets with this kind of food should be closed. To start with, a lot of diseases and overweight can be caused by junk food, because it is fatty and has too many calories.

Moreover, junk food is full of sugar, salt and other harmful substances that affect human health. - вообще это два аргумента об одном и том же

However, there is an opposite point of view. My opponents insist that nowadays people do not have enough time for a complete meal, because they are too busy and in this case fast food outlets can save a lot of time.

I do not fully agree with my counterparts. Truly enough, this kind of time saving does not make sense, because peoples health will be undermined.

To sum up, fast food restaurants should be closed, because they sell a harmful kind of food and it can cause many diseases and overweight for people. These outlets generate bad eating habits.

It is the government`s responsibility to protect the environment?

There is a popular opinion that the administration has to save nature, because it is its responsibility. At the same time, a lot of people believe that not only the government should protect the environment but ordinary people too.

In my view, it is the responsibility of the entire population of the Earth to safeguard the natural environment. To start with, our planet is our common home, and all people should take care of it. We can protect our environment from pollution by individual small efforts of each of us. Besides, the government can not safeguard the environment by oneself itself without people`s help. Because it is impossible to extend its influence over the huge territory and control it, if no one makes even a small contribution to the environmental protection.

However, there is an opposite point of view that the government should take full responsibility. My opponents insist that the authority has a lot of resources and opportunities to protect the environment.

I do not fully agree with my counterparts. Truly enough, environmental protection does not quite depend on resources but on human behavior and attitude to nature.

To sum up, every person should take care of the environment as it is our home. The government and ordinary people have to work together to protect the Earth. It is our shared responsibility.


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