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Диалог с репортером. Диалог трех девушек. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

{ Диалог с репортером}

A: Hello, I am reporter.

B: Hello, my name is Kim.

A: I will ask the questions and you will answer.

B: Yes, good.

A: Do you like watching TV?

B: I like watching TV, especially comedies, with my friends.

A: Really? I do not know, what it likes girls.

B: Ahhhaahhaa! Girls and boys are equal.

A: What do you think people, who buys designer label?

B: I cannot understand people, who buy things about desinger labels, so no way.

A: Thank you, you helped me do very well reportage.

{Диалог двух девушек}

Klara: Hello, Anna you do not look yourself.

Anna: Нello, I feel bad. I am tired.

Klara: What do you mean?

Anna: It is Julie – my best friend- she shouted at me yesterday. She offended me. She is aggressive.

Klara: But she looks so good and friendly. May be this is your mistake?

Anna: I am not the one to blame.

Klara: I have big doubts about this.

Klara: Will you help me make up with Julie.

Klara: I should call Julie.



Klara: Hello, Julie.

Julie: Oh, hello.

Klara: Why did you quarrel with Anna?

Julie: She offended me.

Klara: How?

Julie: She forgot about my Birthday. She forgets everything.

Klara: It is a weighty reason. I have realized…

Julie: What?

Klara: You and Anna are both to blame. You must make exuses before each other.

Julie: I will not make exuses, because I am not the one to blame!

Klara: Your friendship with Anna has ended. Bye. You can search the new friend.


Klara: Anna, I cannot help, you offened her. You can search the new friend. Good luck…

Anna: No, I do not disconnect.

Klara: Bye.


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