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It is harmful to live in big cities (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, we have a lot of opportunities to choose a better place to live. Some people think that living in big cities is not good for health, while others suppose that it is not as dangerous as it seems.

In my opinion, living in big cities is not harmful. Firstly, proximity to fire departments, police and hospitals makes city life safer. It takes only a few minutes to get some help in case of emergency. Secondly, the government takes care of its citizens. There are a lot of parks for people to enjoy the fresh air or some laws, which forbid to use cars in some areas.

However, there are some people who believe that urban environment can be harmful for our health. They state that air and water are polluted in big cities.

Besides, there are a lot of noise and stress which are not useful for city dwellers’ health.

Nevertheless, I cannot completely agree with it. First and foremost, the government is trying to improve the environmental situation. It adopts new laws to protect the environment and make it cleaner, and encourages people to recycle their garbage. Moreover, there are a lot of health and entertainment facilities where people can get rid of stress or get some medical help.

In conclusion, I’d like to state again that urban lifestyle is not so harmful as some people think. Such advantages like proximity to fire departments, police stations, health and entertainment facilities make city life comfortable and quite safe.


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