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It is only beneficial that mass media shapes public opinion (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays mass media has a huge impact on people‘s opinions in different fields. Some people claim, that this influence is only beneficial, while others believe that it is not.

I personally think that mass media are quite toxic today. The way it make us think may be unhealthy. For example, promotion of alcohol or idealization of dissolute life affects the lives of many young people. In addition, mass media are likely to give us an incomplete information for their own purposes. It may be unreasonable gossips or just something opposite to the main belief, just to make a buzz.

However there is a different point of view. Firstly, mass media are a flexible mechanism for spreading information.

It helps people stay informed about what is going on in the world and in the country. Secondly, it is less likely that there will be any disagreement in the society when most of the people stick to this similar ideas. The mass media help to unite people.

I cannot agree with this statement because information presented by mass media is doubtful really all the time. You cannot rely on it completely. I also believe that there is nothing good in the fact that media shape public opinion from the young age. It limits the development of individuality.

To sum up, influence of mass media is very ambiguous. We need to be able to sort the information we receive to take the best from mass media.


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