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Learning English (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It's difficult to overestimate the significance learning English. Some people say that school is a fabulous place to learn the English language; others claim that it I better to do it abroad.

In my point of view, learning English abroad is better than at school. I have several reasons to support my position. Firstly, studying abroad provides a great opportunity to practice your skills such as speaking, pronunciation, writing and many others, because you can speak with native speakers, write messages to them, live in the atmosphere of this or that English-speaking country . Secondly, it’s an amazing chance to learn a good many of lexics, because you are surrounded by different things such as posters, newspapers, labels and many other things, which give you information and thus new lexics.

However, there is another position. Some people state that school is a fabulous place to learn English as you can easily enrich your vocabulary learning a lot of words related to one topic at school and practice speaking with the help of the teacher and the Internet.

Taking into account the reasons introduced above, I still disagree with them as I strongly believe that a native speaker knows the language in details and he/she can tell you all of them and dome traditions, so you will be able to use the lexics and details in your speech.

To sum up, though there are two points of view on this problem, whether to learn English or not, I think that studying English abroad is the best way to practice my speaking and to enrich my vocabulary.


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