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Digital literacy is the key to success in any occupation (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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Nowadays the question of the importance of digital literacy in making a successful career causes great argument. Some people believe that computer skills are necessary for today's employee, while others think that it is not that important. Who is right?

In my opinion, digital literacy plays a great role in your successful and long-term career. The first thing that needs to be said is that nowadays most of the jobs include working on a computer. Another good thing about this is that all the work information is now saved on computers in order to make an employee’s work easier. Moreover, employers value the specialists who have non-basic computer skills, because it proves the improvement of their analytical and professional skills.

Perhaps we should also point out the fact that there is an opposite opinion on this idea.

The main reason for that is that not all the professions are connected with computers. For example, artists, musicians, dancers, actors, athletes and others do not necessary need to have digital literacy skills, because in their occupation other skills are valued higher. What is more, if you are the only professional in the sphere that doesn’t include working on a computer; you will definitely be successful in your occupation.

I find it difficult to agree with this point of view, because in today’s modern technology world working without computer is hard. First of all, employers prefer to employ highly-qualified specialists with computer skills, rather than those, do not even have the basic skills. Furthermore, if your occupation is not connected with computers, you still can create a web-site and promote yourself in order to make more money.

Taking everything into consideration, I would like to say that it is up to everybody to decide whether computer skills provide you with a successful occupation or not, but, in my opinion, digital literacy, because of the technology development in today’s modern technology world, is highly important for anyone who wants to make a successful career.

Оценка эксперта:

К3 - лексика

it is not that important(so important)

К4 - грамматика

rather than those, do not even(those, WHO do not even...)

К5 - орфография и пунктуация

digital literacy, because of the technology development in today’s modern technology world, is highly important for anyone who wants to make a successful career.(digital literacy is highly important.....because of the technology development)

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