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A popular actor's life is always fun. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The question of popularity has been currently important and unsettling during many years and, nowadays, it still arouses the wide concern. Some people consider that celebrities lead a luxurious and fulfilling life, while others claim that recognition covers many downsides.

As far as I am concerned, an actor's mode of living appears to be not so splendid and pleasant as we used to think. First of all, famous people have to face the lack of privacy, when journalists and paparazzi keep track of every step. Besides, people and media constantly judge celebrities and even make demeaning, rude, or insulting remarks.

By the way, an actor's profession is quite stressful, as it requires great memory and exhausting emotional investment.

However, some people think that an actor's life is joyful and carefree. They tend to focus on the general richness of famous people, that provides them with greater opportunities and possibilities to enjoy the materialistic pleasures of life. Furthermore, popularity allows them to get acquainted with many interesting people and make new friends.

At the same time, I am sure that financial wealth and social activity cannot be considered as the main values of human life.

As a conclusion, it is important to emphasize that we are free to choose our world outlook, but it should be borne in mind, that there are as many disadvantages of being a celebrity as there is the number of benefits.


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