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Space explorations was the greatest achievement of the 20th century (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In the 20th century, thanks to new discoveries, science developed swiftly. There are many new breakthrough in the field of physics, chemistry, biology, medicine and so on. And there is no doubt that one of the greatest achievement was space exploration.

I am totally agree with that. First, it was the age of space dreams and it was scientific race. People wanted to discover space distances and discover new planets, kinds of life. Only in the 20th century it became possible. It is a second reason. Due to development science and techniques humanity had to opportunity to make calculations, create spaceships, special suits and find out many important things. Thirdly, that century is known as the age of the first steps in the space.

For example, there was the first man in the space Gagarin. We can say that the 20th century played important role in space development.

However, there are another opinion. Firstly, some people are sure that it was not veracious information and nowadays we know about space much more. It is true because nowadays we have more precise methods of research. Also it was the age not only space explorations, it was the century of many achievement in physics, chemistry, medicine, biology and industry.

This opinion is logical. Nevertheless, nowadays we don’t pay special attention to the development of astronomy and cosmology. And in the 20th century the main note was paid to space explorations. They did

So we can be sure that space explorations was the greatest achievement. People of that time made the impossible possible.


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