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People should be forced to take public transport to work (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

People should be forced to take public transport to work

Nowadays, there are differing opinions about whether people should be made to go to work by public transport. Some claim that it is a necessity, whereas others challenge this view.

To my way of thinking, it is unacceptable to force a person to use public transport for commuting work. To begin with, if one takes a bus, an underground or other kinds of transportations, there is a need to pay money for that. Secondly, some means of public transport, such as buses, are driven on the road. Besides them, there are also other cars, which can cause traffic jam. Hence, workers may be late for a job. Thirdly, public transportations are very crowded, therefore, it is uncomfortable to get to work.

However, there are those who argue that individuals should be forced to commute work by public transport.

In their view, there is no chance to be late for work if a bus or other means of transportation is used because it has a permanent route and a regular schedule.

Nevertheless, I disagree with this point of view. In spite of the fact that public transport has a schedule, it does not work regular, thus, passengers can late for work. Besides, a person often has to change to another transport, hanse, it becomes tedious for them to get to work.

In conclusion, despite the opinion that making people only use public transportation is significant, I am convinced that it is not.

The most important thing in life is health.

At all times everybody tries to find the most crucial thing in their existence. Some people claim that it is our physical state, while others argue that it can be money, family or something else.

I am convinced the most important thing in life is our health. Firstly, when you get sick you cannot work, study or do your routine properly and sometimes a disease can ruin someone’s life entirely. Secondly, if people have some health problems they cannot enjoy their life as much as others do.

However, some people claim that the most essential thing is money. You can just buy the most expensive medicine and it will deal with your problems immediately. It does not make any sense to pay a lot of attention to your health. This way of life will be very boring, for instance, this kind of people will never do extreme sport or anything like this.

I strongly disagree with this view because there are a lot of diseases which cannot be cured even if you use the most modern technologies. Scientists are still developing a treatment for AIDS and a cancer but we have not got a proper one. As for boredom, you can enjoy your life travelling around the world or meeting new people even without any threats for you.

To sum it up, there are different points of view on this problem but I still think that we cannot do without a good physical condition.


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