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The powerlessness of a person in front of bad manners and rudeness is the problem over which the author reasons. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The powerlessness of a person in front of bad manners and rudeness is the problem over which the author reasons.

This moral and ethical question is actual in our days. With this phenomenon we meet everywhere: in transport, in a shop, on the street, and we can not overcome it in any way!

I. Ivanova believes that rudeness is nothing but rudeness, impudence, insolence together, but it is based on lawlessness, has the opportunity to humiliate and not to resist from the humiliated.

I share the author's point of view: rudeness is a real phenomenon of our life! This seemingly unique talent to insult a person without pronouncing obvious rudeness and not passing a certain line beyond which an open conflict can stand, today there is simply an amazing number of people.

A vivid example of man's defenselessness against rudeness is found in Andrei Dementyev's poem:

I have no rudeness from rudeness.

And this time it is stronger.

Ringing lenses are broken -

Callsigns of my kindness ...

Recently in the newspaper "Friday" I read an article in which I talked about unconscious, invisible, seemingly rudeness, which can manifest itself as ill-conceived, callous, stupid.

No wonder it says that "accuracy is the politeness of kings." To say one thing - and not to fulfill a promise, to agree on a meeting - and to be late or, in general, forget about it - this became the norm. Behind such "harmless" acts rudeness is hiding, camouflaging for chance.

The powerlessness of a person in front of bad manners and rudeness is the problem over which the author reasons.

This moral and ethical question is actual in our days. With this phenomenon we meet everywhere: in transport, in a shop, on the street, and we can not overcome it in any way!

I. Ivanova believes that rudeness is nothing but rudeness, impudence, insolence together, but it is based on lawlessness, has the opportunity to humiliate and not to resist from the humiliated.

I share the author's point of view: rudeness is a real phenomenon of our life! This seemingly unique talent to insult a person without pronouncing obvious rudeness and not passing a certain line beyond which an open conflict can stand, today there is simply an amazing number of people.

A vivid example of man's defenselessness against rudeness is found in Andrei Dementyev's poem:

I have no rudeness from rudeness.

And this time it is stronger.

Ringing lenses are broken -

Callsigns of my kindness ...

Recently in the newspaper "Friday" I read an article in which I talked about unconscious, invisible, seemingly rudeness, which can manifest itself as ill-conceived, callous, stupid. No wonder it says that "accuracy is the politeness of kings." To say one thing - and not to fulfill a promise, to agree on a meeting - and to be late or, in general, forget about it - this became the norm. Behind such "harmless" acts rudeness is hiding, camouflaging for chance.


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