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More importantly, the beauty of the soul or the physical is the problem over which the well-known writer Y. Bondarev argues. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

More importantly, the beauty of the soul or the physical is the problem over which the well-known writer Y. Bondarev argues.

This moral question, raised by the author, worried people long ago. The famous German philosopher I. Kant once said about this: "The beautiful is a symbol of moral good, not physical beauty, but the soul is more important in life!" Nowadays this problem is topical: young people react only to external signs of beauty, forgetting about inner spiritual wealth.

Yu. Bondarev, talking about the event at the disco, undoubtedly takes the side of an ugly externally, but beautiful internally girl.

She was able to repulse a handsome man - a scoundrel. Drawing his heroine, the author admires her.

I share the point of view of Yu. Bondarev: the spiritual beauty that the heroine of the text possesses is much more important than the beauty of the physical.

I can cite as an example the hero of Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" by the handsome Anatoly Kuragin. As if VG was talking about him. Belinsky: "Beauty exalts moral virtues, but without them beauty in our time exists only for the eyes, and not for the heart."

Approving the act of a proud and intelligent girl, I remember another heroine of L. Tolstoy's novel - Princess Mary Bolkonskaya. Ugly, she in moments of emotional excitement, opening her beautiful eyes, became a beauty, giving many of her interlocutors lessons of morality!

Thus, we can conclude that the spiritual beauty of a person is more important than physical beauty.

More importantly, the beauty of the soul or the physical is the problem over which the well-known writer Y. Bondarev argues.

This moral question, raised by the author, worried people long ago. The famous German philosopher I. Kant once said about this: "The beautiful is a symbol of moral good, not physical beauty, but the soul is more important in life!" Nowadays this problem is topical: young people react only to external signs of beauty, forgetting about inner spiritual wealth.

Yu. Bondarev, talking about the event at the disco, undoubtedly takes the side of an ugly externally, but beautiful internally girl. She was able to repulse a handsome man - a scoundrel. Drawing his heroine, the author admires her.

I share the point of view of Yu. Bondarev: the spiritual beauty that the heroine of the text possesses is much more important than the beauty of the physical.

I can cite as an example the hero of Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" by the handsome Anatoly Kuragin. As if VG was talking about him. Belinsky: "Beauty exalts moral virtues, but without them beauty in our time exists only for the eyes, and not for the heart."

Approving the act of a proud and intelligent girl, I remember another heroine of L. Tolstoy's novel - Princess Mary Bolkonskaya. Ugly, she in moments of emotional excitement, opening her beautiful eyes, became a beauty, giving many of her interlocutors lessons of morality!

Thus, we can conclude that the spiritual beauty of a person is more important than physical beauty.


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