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The relationship between the individual and the collective is the problem over which the author reflects. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The relationship between the individual and the collective is the problem over which the author reflects.

In the fragment proposed for the analysis N. Tatarintsev gives a vivid example of how the student was not afraid to go against the opinion of the whole class, contrasted his point of view with a collective one and persuaded all classmates of his own right. The author is proud of his hero.

N. Tatarintsev believes that every person should always have their own opinion, as well as be able to defend it.

I completely agree with the opinion of N. Tatarintsev. After all, any of us should be a formed individuality, have our own views, tastes, preferences.

Otherwise, a person, as a person, simply will not exist.

Let us recall one of the founders of scientific sociology M. Weber and his work "Understanding Sociology". In it, the author, reflecting on the problems of social behavior and the socialization of the personality, says that for the individual it is necessary to realize its potential, sometimes without reacting to public opinion.

I often have to defend my own point of view among classmates, which was often accompanied by the development of the conflict situation. However, the ability to argue your opinion and prove your own rightness helps to regulate relations in the team.The relationship between the individual and the collective is the problem over which the author reflects.

In the fragment proposed for the analysis N. Tatarintsev gives a vivid example of how the student was not afraid to go against the opinion of the whole class, contrasted his point of view with a collective one and persuaded all classmates of his own right. The author is proud of his hero.

N. Tatarintsev believes that every person should always have their own opinion, as well as be able to defend it.

I completely agree with the opinion of N. Tatarintsev. After all, any of us should be a formed individuality, have our own views, tastes, preferences. Otherwise, a person, as a person, simply will not exist.

Let us recall one of the founders of scientific sociology M. Weber and his work "Understanding Sociology". In it, the author, reflecting on the problems of social behavior and the socialization of the personality, says that for the individual it is necessary to realize its potential, sometimes without reacting to public opinion.

I often have to defend my own point of view among classmates, which was often accompanied by the development of the conflict situation. However, the ability to argue your opinion and prove your own rightness helps to regulate relations in the team.


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