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How the beauty of nature can affect people is the question over which A. Pristavkin is thinking. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

How the beauty of nature can affect people is the question over which A. Pristavkin is thinking.

The author with delight tells about the miraculous rescue of the birch tree among the burned stumps of the future pit of the lake. None of the workers decided to raise their hand to such a miracle of nature! Even rude lumberjacks and bulldozerists admired her extraordinary beauty!

The position of the author is not difficult to determine: natural splendor can completely change a person, make any, even unsentimental, rough woodcutter or bulldozer, admire the wonderful beauty of a solitary birch tree.

I fully agree with A.Pristavin's opinion.

Nothing can so affect people for the better, like the true beauty of nature! This has been repeatedly written by many classics and publicists.

So, the hero of the work of B.Ekimov "Night passes" Shalyakin, a lonely elderly mare, deeply battered by fate, felt good only on the shore of the lake, in his hut, where he was surrounded only by the beauty of nature and tranquility.

And the story of Vladimir Krupin "Dump the sack!" It speaks of a girl who, in difficult post-war years, worked with her father as a loader. Once after the rain, the father saw an unusually beautiful rainbow, but the daughter did not understand his enthusiastic words. And then the father forced his daughter to throw the bag off his shoulders and straighten up. The girl's eyes appeared an unusually beautiful sight: in the sky like a horse, harnessed to a rainbow. "Rainbow in all sky. And over the rainbow, like under the arc, the sun ... "The beauty of nature seemed to revive the girl:" I looked - as if washed, it became easier to breathe ... Here it is, the influence of the beauty of nature on man!

Once after the rain, the father saw an unusually beautiful rainbow, but the daughter did not understand his enthusiastic words. And then the father forced his daughter to throw the bag off his shoulders and straighten up. The girl's eyes appeared an unusually beautiful sight: in the sky like a horse, harnessed to a rainbow. "Rainbow in all sky. And over the rainbow, like under the arc, the sun ...


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