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Ideas how to protect environment in Zetland (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is impossible to underestimate the importance of protecting the environment in our life. While working on a project titled “Ideas How to Protect Environment in Zetland”, I have found the results of the opinion polls and now I would like to analyze key features and give my opinion on them.

The information given in the pie chart illustrates the opinion polls of the respondents. What stands out from the chart is that the majority of respondents believe that the best idea to protect the environment is to shop wisely, at 28%. Another striking feature is the fact that the least popular activity among those who took part in the survey is volunteering for clean-ups, at 10%.

Turning to details, the proportion of the respondents who give their preferences to planting trees as the perfect way to protect the environment in Zetland is practically the same as the number of those who suppose that conserving water is the best option, at just above 26% and around 28% respectively.

It can also be noticed that one fifth of the respondents believe that the ideal way to protect the environment is to conserve water, at 19%.

There is a huge variety of problems that might arise while protecting the environment. One of the main issues is that performing activities to conserve the world around us takes up too much time. To tackle this problem people should make such activities their daily routine.

To conclude, I want to say that protecting environment plays an important role in our life as it will help to create a safe world for future generations.


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