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Travelling abroad helps to understand your own country, does not it? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Travelling abroad is an enriching experience that provides a unique opportunity to learn about other cultures, customs, and traditions. However, it also helps us to understand our own country better. In this essay, I will discuss how travelling abroad can help us gain a deeper understanding of our own country.

Firstly, travelling abroad exposes us to different ways of life and cultures, which can help us appreciate our own culture and traditions.

By experiencing new things and seeing how other people live, we can gain a new perspective on our own country. We can learn about our own history and heritage, and how it has influenced our culture and way of life. This can help us to appreciate the unique qualities of our own country and foster a sense of pride in our cultural identity.

Secondly, travelling abroad can help us to see our own country's strengths and weaknesses.

y comparing and contrasting our country with others, we can identify areas where we excel and areas where we need improvement.

For example, if we visit a country with a well-developed public transportation system, we may realize the shortcomings of our own transportation infrastructure. This can inspire us to advocate for improvements in our own country.

Thirdly, travelling abroad can help us to understand the global impact of our own country's actions.

y seeing how other countries are affected by global issues such as climate change, poverty, and inequality, we can gain a new perspective on our own country's role in these issues. This can inspire us to take action to address these global challenges in our own country.

Lastly, travelling abroad can help us to develop a greater appreciation for the diversity within our own country.

y experiencing different cultures and meeting people from different backgrounds, we can learn to appreciate the diversity of our own country. This can help us to build bridges between different communities within our own country and promote greater understanding and acceptance.

In conclusion, travelling abroad is not only a way to learn about other cultures but also a way to gain a deeper understanding of our own country.

By experiencing new things and seeing how other people live, we can appreciate our own culture and traditions, identify areas for improvement, understand our global impact, and appreciate the diversity within our own country. Therefore, I believe that travelling abroad is an essential experience for anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of their own country.


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