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What pieces of classical music people in Zetland can recognize when they hear them (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

5 из 5
Оценка эксперта внизу

Classical music is the gold fund of world culture. My project is designed to explore what pieces of classical music people in Zetland can recognize when they hear them. I have found some data on this issue which are presented in the diagram.

According to the diagram, the most recognizable pieces of music are «Fur Elise» and «Ode to Joy» were written by Ludwig van Beethoven (36 and 37%). «Clair de Lune» by french composer Debussy is less popular than the aforementioned masterpieces (15%).

It is noticeable that «Wedding March» more well-known than «Flight of the Bumblebee». The different makes up 24%. It is not surprisingly because the piece of music by Mendelson is played at wedding ceremonies.

It is noteworthy that one of the problems that can arise is that young people do not listen to classical music.

They consider masterpieces of Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, Bach and others are boring and old-fashioned. They are gradually becoming forgotten and lost as a part of world culture. The best solution of the trouble is promoting classical music in the media.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that our favorite genres, such as pop, rock, jazz and others, are could not exist without classical music because they are based on or inspired by it.

Оценка эксперта:

(36 and 37%)

(36% and 37%)



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