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Влияние телевизионных программ / The influence of television programs (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Reality show is a genre of television programs which consist of separated episodes, it can show famous people or ordinary people lives their behavior in various situations. These reality shows are quite popular between not only teens but even between adults too. You can find any program for your choice and preference. Watching reality shows is one of the easiest routes to entertain yourself without any efforts but at the same time this one has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let’s take a look.

First of all, participants of these shows can get popular quite fast in a short time. They can show their skills and become successful after shooting or during the program by showing their talent.

y watching this, viewers can get motivation and be inspired. For example, seeing members of show inspires many people to use and show their talent to the world through reality shows or just try themselves in something new.

Reality shows, however, have some disadvantages.

Through the time you get an idea about of unrealistic episodes, you understand that these shows usually can have their own script. Members of reality shows can be injured as mentally and as physically. When the show can become popular and well-known, competitors be able to feel themselves under the pressure and feel a lot of responsibility for their actions.

In conclusion, as long as people are getting entertained by watching reality shows, it will exist and develop. In my opinion every person should try to watch these shows and make a decision is this form of entertaining matches you or not.


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