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№39 I change hobbies at least twice a year. Surprisingly, but I became the best student of the week! (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

1) …I change hobbies at least twice a year. Maybe I haven’t found the one I really like yet. What kinds of hobbies do you and your friends have? What hobbies do you think are expensive and why? Why do you think people need hobbies?

I’ve just finished redecorating my room…

Write a letter to Nick. In your letter:

- answer his questions,

- ask 3 questions about his room.

Hi Nick,

Thanks for your email. Great to hear from you. I also faced the problem of choosing a hobby, so you're not alone.

You asked me about hobbies my friends and I have. Well, I try to spend my spare time doing something creative like drawing or photography.

My friends adore physical activities such as playing basketball and stretching. As for pricey hobbies, I think that travelling and collecting art requires many costs. Tickets and hotels, pieces of art aren't the cheapest things. In general, people need hobbies for many reasons. I suppose, the main one is that hobbies help to relax. You focus on an activity you enjoy the most, and that reduces the feeling of tiredness.

y the way, I'd like to know more about your room redecoration. What colours did you choose? Did you change the whole room? Was the redecoration expensive?

Anyway, I have to go now as I need to walk my dog. Keep in touch.

est wishes,


2). . . Surprisingly, but I became the best student of the week! My parents were very happy when I told them.

y the way, where does your physical education classes take place? How do you keep fit? What is your favourite sport game? Why?

I’ve written an essay on ancient history. . .

Write a letter to Frank. In your letter:

- answer his questions,

- ask 3 questions about an essay on ancient history.

Hi Fank,

Thanks for your email. It was great to know you became the best student of the week. I'm proud of you.

You asked me several questions about my physical activity. Well, I usually have my PE classes in a school gym, and sometimes, when the weather is fine, classes take place in the schoolyard. As for my ways to keep fit, it's helpful for me to do yoga and play volleyball.

y the way, volleyball is my favourite sport game because it's an exellent emotional outlet for me, not only the way to stay in shape.

esides, tell me more about your essay. How long have you been writing it? What topic of the essay did you choose? Is your essay checked?

Anyway, it's time to finish my email. Write back soon.

est wishes,



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