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Popular sports (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It goes without saying that the most common sports have been the subject of much recent discussion. I am therefore currently working on an important project to find out what sports are popular in Zetland. I have found some valuable statistics for my project in a diagram to help give my opinion on the subject.

The information in the diagram shows the popularity of each kind of sport. The majority of the respondents mentioned football as their preferred kind of sports, making it most popular with Zetland’s people. Football (36%) is very closely followed by basketball, which is also liked by more than a third of responders. Another key feature is that only 1% of the surveyed people reported liking gymnastics, putting it at the bottom of the table.

The diagram shows a significant difference between sports people like the most.

The diagram shows that swimming, preferred by 17% of respondents, is only half as popular as two leading sports.

The statistics point to an underlying problem. Football and basketball can be played in the streets by everyone, but you can't do gymnastics without professional help, which costs money.

ut if special free gymnastics classes where anyone can participate are created, any interested person will be able to enjoy this kind of sports.

As for the role of sports in our lives, I believe that they can help reach your fitness goals and maintain a healthy weight.


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