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Составьте диалог на тему «Медицина» (Школьные сочинения)

M: Oh, Jack, nice to see you! Did you manage to alleviate the anxiety and stress you were experiencing last by spending quality time with the psychologist I recommended you?

J: Hello, Marie, I’m so grateful for the help you gave me. Only you made me seek therapy since everybody else thought that I was kidding them and paid no attention to me being encompassed with high walls built from fears of failure even as a human.

M: No more words, you would do the same being in my shoes. I am glad to see you shining again and please tell me which measures helped to generate a sense of peace in your heart and mind.

J: Sure, no secrets. The psychologist asked questions about my usual lifestyle and how I felt during the semester. After it, he suggested I play mind games starting from chess and ending with

ubik's Cube. Latter really just pissed me off, I couldn’t simply concentrate to solve that problem.

M: And what happened later, dear? I visited Dale four times and the course for recovery was always different.

J: Then psych interrupted my current attempt and said he has the answer for my disease, mastery of the health triangle is the key component to maintain overall well-being.

A bright illustration of what that system means made crystal clear what I must do to get out of the swamp I immersed myself in. However, I had to take acupuncture procedures to relax the nerves and prepare for becoming a better version of myself.

M: Yeah, they always use complementary medicine to treat their patience since conventional, frankly speaking, powerless against mental illness. It’s all about atmosphere and self-awareness rather than eating certain pills. Did you feel how calmer you become after acupuncture, more mindful about thoughts coming in your head and actions you take?

J: Absolutely, but the next part of healing was more significant in my opinion. Now knowing about sleep deprivation, I had, lack of physical activity, and poor diet Dale suggested me principles to establish a sleeping pattern, walking at least for an hour daily to promote cardiovascular health and endurance and to stay positive about my life nurture body with minerals I always lost due to eating half-prepared products.

M: So, the trick was that trying to study hard you lose sight of the importance of such things as sleep, sport, and healthy eating for a happy and fulfilled life. The aftermath of bad habits and lack of useful routines led to even more stress and anxiety in academic life. Do you agree with me?

J: Yes, you just have described the core of why I was so unsatisfied with my life and got bad marks. I simply had no foundation to be productive and quickly recover after intense brain activity. It was a vicious cycle but now I know how to approach it. I never will forget about gentle support provided by you.


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