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Sewing or knitting clothes at home today is a waste of time and money (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The issue whether it is beneficial to sew or knit clothes at home these days has lots of controversy. Some people think that sewing or knitting clothes at home is worth their time and money. However, there are plenty of those who do not support this point of view.

As far as I am concerned, making clothes at home is not waste of time and money as this occupation has a lot of advantages. To start with, it can be a wonderful hobby that stimulates people’s minds, bodies and souls and can improve their practical skills. It is the best way to enjoy leisure time and not to feel bored. What is more, clothes that are sewed or knitted at home suit people’s tastes and preferences and become unique garments nobody else has. Thus, a person has a great opportunity to create a thing, that they cannot find in shopping malls, and emphasize their individuality.

Nevertheless, the opponents consider sewing or knitting clothes to be useless pastime.

They argue that it is easier to make a purchase online or to buy a product in the shop than to make lots of effort and spend hours creating garments at home.

I do not agree with the opinion mentioned above. Items bought on the Internet do not often meet people’s expectations, and if clothes do not fit, one will have to send it back which means spending more time and money.

All in all, I would like to say that we cannot deny that making clothes at home requires additional expenses and time but I strongly believe it can bring people satisfaction and save plenty of money as well.


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