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Music is something that distracts people from daily routine (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Music always accompanies us throughout the life. Some people claim that music helps people to keep calm and relax after daily work whereas others have an opposite opinion.

To my way of thinking, music has a great impact on people's lives. To start with, music helps us to relax and eases anxiety. What is more, people listening to music tend feel more creative in the task they are doing such as writing, painting and cleaning the house. In addition, listening to music one abstracts from the outside world and forgets about one's troubles.

But there are people who are convinced that music has no ability to effect people's lives positively. To their mind, some kinds of music make one irritable, evil and nervous. Besides, those who listen to music at high volumes may suffer from hearing less.

Thus, listening to music can lead to aggressive behavior.

Undoubtedly, some kinds of music aren't serious and aren't able to calm us down. But I believe in good music, such as classical which is able to pull off one's mind and mental state.

To conclude, I'd like to say that music inspires us and makes us feel happier and more energetic.


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