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Social media. People would be happier if they spent less time on social media (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

We should acknowledge from the start that nowadays the Internet has a great impact on humans’ lives. Some people claim that a persons’ mood depends on whether they use social media or not, whereas others hold the view that using the Internet does not make anybody more or less delighted. I would like to examine this issue in detail.

In my opinion, reducing the time spent online will result in becoming more delighted.

Firstly, much time spent in front of the screen leads to spoilt health, including developing mental illnesses, such as depression. The melancholy can be avoided by decreasing the usage of social media. Furthermore, if a person spends less time online, they will have more spare time for their hobbies. Doing beloved activities provides happiness and satisfaction.

However, there exists another opinion on this problem. Some people claim that under no circumstances can reducing the time spent on social networks make us more satisfied, as social media helps people communicate with friends and family, who live far from them. Not being able to keep in touch with family members does not bring any contentment.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this viewpoint. I reckon that meeting friends and family after a long time of being at distance may bring much more joy than chatting with them every day online.

Taking into consideration both points of view, I still believe that if people spent less time on social media, they would be much more elated.


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