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What Do I Think About The Geocaching? (Школьные сочинения)

Let us tell you about what is geocaching. Geocaching is a special game in which children and mostly adults hide and seek special box with messages and small presents as, for example, toys, in different places of the Planet: in woods, forests, fields, parks, public buildings, etc. Geocachers also use special Internet Web-Site and the GPS for easier searching of the boxes. Modern geocaching community was based in year 2000, but in past people also have similar games, like, for example “letterboxing” in the middle of the 19th century in England or very popular game of soviet children of 1940-1970`s called “Sekretiki” (the “Mysteries”).

I`ve read about the geocaching from Claudia`s blog, given in the textbook.

I think that geocaching is good and interesting hobby. It makes, for example, people go to the special place, where they never been before. People travel and learn more about their country, keep the healthy lifestyle. Adding to that people share some toys or other nice little things with eachother. I sure, that it`s very interesting for collectors, which we have a lot nowadays. That is not all. Geocachers spend more time together with their hobby. It helps people make new friends. In the end, now with coronavirus pandemic people can`t go to big shops, restaurants, etc. , but people in small groups could spend some hours together somewhere in the forest seeking for the geocaching box. It could help citizens be safe but more happy and healthy, from my opinion.

I`d like to try me as a geocacher if we have official geocaching community in Bishkek and, of course, more free time. Once in the childhood (I was around 8 or 9 years old) I found old coin in the yard of the village house. I was incredibly happy and proud of myself. It was 15 “kopeyka” coin of 1932. I thought that person, who around 70 years ago lost the coin, maybe even do not mind about the loss, but make one unknown for him boy happy in the future, so I put some modern coins in the plastic box and buried them in the same place. I think that people, who will find the box in the future, also will have some kind of positive emotions. Maybe I`ll even make them rich and famous for their luck — who knows?


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