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All about myself. Монолог о себе на английском (Сочинение на свободную тему)

Well, what can I say about my own character? People say that I am industrious and goal-oriented. I suppose they think this way because I always achieve my goals. My motto is: “Where there is a will, there is a way”.

Being competitive and ambitious also helps me to keep trying until I can do smth. My friends say that I am a helpful and reliable friend. You can always rely on me and I never refuse when people ask to help them.

But my mother says that I am too sympathetic and supportive since sometimes i become only a tool in one`s hands.

I suppose it`s because I am a trusting person. Personally I think that sometimes I am shy and maybe modest since I can’t call myself a good mixer. I feel confused while I am in big companies.

As for my occupation, I am studying at the Linguistics University of Foreign Languages. I am a philologist. It means I am keen on learning languages and reading classical literature. I spend long hours analyzing different texts and I am really into it. What is more, I am a tutor. I help pupils to learn Russian Classical literature and help them in preparing for their exams. To be honest, It takes much time and energy. But I suppose it’s a good practice for me.

In the future I’d like to be a teacher. I really get satisfaction when I have an opportunity to teach somebody and explain something because I like to help people. Moreover I think that nowadays this job is underestimated: everyone thinks that it is easy to be a teacher all you need is to read a particular material from year to year but it is not like that at all. Personally for me being a teacher means giving invaluable knowledge that will be useful in student's future adult life. A teacher teaches his student with moral priorities with time management, with the way how to organize one’s life in a better way.

To be honest, I am up to my ears in studies. I have deprived myself of any entertainment and amusement. So I don’t have much free time but if I have some, I usually spend my leisure time having a walk across a park enjoying amazing views. I like sitting on a bench reading a book for pleasure. I can’t live without sport activities so I try to have a morning exercise every day. I also prefer jogging with my friend in the evening.


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