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Some young people believe that while at school we should concentrate on studying; others think working part-time has many advantages (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some young people believe that while at school we should concentrate on studying; others think working part-time has many advantages

It is believed by some people that combining studying and working part-time is a good idea. However, others believe it has a lot of disadvantages. In this essay I will try to look upon this issue.

In my opinion, young people should not be distracted on working part-time because it has a lot of disadvantages. Firstly, If a pupil does not have a half-time job, he will have more time to get prepared for exams.

ut If he works part-time, he will not have such opportunity, and thus will not enter a prospective university. Moreover, getting education is a very hard and long process, which requires a lot of powers and time. A person who has a part-time job will not have enough time to relax, which can lead to exhaustion. It also will cause a negative effect on studying, as person simply will not be capable of getting prepared for lessons properly.

However, some young people believe while working one can get a professional experience, which can help to find a good job in future.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this statement.

In fact, the lack of experience can be compensated by the presence (присутствие, наличие) of knowledge in a particular field, but the lack of knowledge cannot be replaced by the working experience.

To sum up, I would like to emphasize that it is not worth to work part-time as it has a lot of negative effects on one’s studying process.


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