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The best time is that spent with friends and family (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, when there exist many different amusements, people sometimes hesitate whether the time spent with friends and relatives is interesting. Some of them claim that it is more comfortable for a person to stay alone, while others suppose that one should be with family and friends as often as possible.

Personally, I hold the opinion that spending time with family and friends is the best one. To begin with, one’s close people are sincerely and genuinely interested in his or her problems.

esides, family and friends know exactly how to make one’s day better and to calm him or her if things do not look up. Moreover, they know about almost all one’s interests and preferences and this is the reason why it is more amusing to spend time with them.

However, the supporters of another point of view are assured that staying alone is better for a person than being with friends and family. To start with, they consider that relatives and friends can be overprotective and can disturb a person.

In addition, it may be very boring to communicate with people about whom one knows everything.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with these arguments as they lack sufficient ground. Actually, a person can talk to his or her relatives or friends if they are too irritable and ask them not to control one’s actions. Additionally, communicating with people one knows is safer than with people a person knows nothing about.

In conclusion, I would like to state that family and friends should be more appreciated because the time spent with them is priceless and invaluable. People ought to pay more attention to them.


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