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It is more enjoyable to live in a big family example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The problem of large and small families has long been under discussion. However, people are still in two minds about it. Some people suppose that it is more exciting to live in large families while others believe that it is much better to grow up in a small family.

Personally I belong to those people who think that it is more enjoyable to live in a big family. To begin with, growing up in a large family is always fun and interesting, especially for children. Kids who have siblings get a memorable experience and interesting childhood. Secondly, in a big family you are always protected and are given care in difficult situations. Furthermore, you will never feel lonely in such families.

However, opponents of this view argue that it is more pleasant to live in a small family.

Their argument is that it is easier to share attention and love with everyone in small families.

I do not think that they are right because members of big families always try to support and cherish each other. So, they have a strong relationship in spite of a lot of family members.

In conclusion, all the views taken together I still stick to the point that living in a large family is more enjoyable because children growing up with siblings

have a lot of fun and happy childhood. Also, the more family members you have, the more support and love you get.



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