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Cigarettes kill humatiny (Сочинение на свободную тему)

No, I am not going to tell you that cigarettes are a harmful thing, because everybody knows it well. I want to tell people, who have this dependence: «please, stop smoking near people, who want to be healthy. It is the main reason why I hate people who smoke. If you want to smoke, just go to the place, where is nobody or smokers, like you. It is hilarious for me, I hate to breathe a terrible smell. The other thing that I can't stand is a trend. Unfortunately, people think that they are cool when smoke. Do you know that since adding on cigarettes box the photo of the spoilt stomach, insistence, etc, people have started to smoke even more!

y the way, it shows us the stupidity of people. We should crusade with it not only using taxes on cigarettes.

I often breathe the smoke when, for instance, go for a walk or just go somewhere.

In Moscow percent of smokers is extremely high. Sometimes it seems that every second human is a smoker. A lot of pupils in school smoke, even make gifts-cigarettes, sell and buy them. Why, just why they do this, I can not understand it.

I read many times about athletes, who smoke. To be honest, they stop being an athlete for me, when I find out it. I talk about real professional and successful sportsmen. One name I can tell you exactly. It is a football player –

adja Naingollan. Meanwhile, he played very well, but the last 2 years were not at a high level for him. Maybe, the reason is cigarettes...

Well, let me give you advice, dear reader. It doesn’t matter have you dependent on smoking or not. Please, at least try to leave smoking. For example, if you smoke 2 box which consists of 20, try to decrease the quantity day after day. Today – 20, tomorrow 19, next day- 18, etc. I think it is the best approach to throw cigarettes away from your life and love yourself, care for your health. So I wish you good luck and the easiest way for winning your enemy and other people.


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