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Review to Patrick Bet-David's book (Part 1) (Читательский дневник)

Hello! I want to talk about this exciting book? Which had been written by a great entrepreneur. I must say that the book interested me so fast and it was a pleasure to read it. The first chapter about which friends we should have and their influence on us. In my opinion, it is an extremely important topic, so I have read it slowly and try not to skip something.

"You cannot solve a problem with

the same level of thinking that

created it. "

— Albert Einstein

The book consists of chapters called laws.

y the way, each of them not long, so you can read it fast and thoroughly understand what the author wanted to tell you. All points are simple, so after reading, you should try to use all pieces of advice in your real life to find out how it works.


et-David tells us that we would never become better if we do not change our way of thinking. To decide our problems, we have to ask ourselves the right questions like successful people: what if I earn 1 billion this year? What if I start my own business.

Fortunately, the book simply opens us, as I said. Patrick

et-David talks about how to ask ourselves the questions correctly. We should ask with word how and we need to remember fundamental questions with why because it makes us the reason for our actions and makes the price of our goals.

This fantastic book in law 8 explains the real power of imagination with examples from life.

efore we try to do or get something, we imagine it. If we want to win a championship, we should imagine it many times in our mind and even jumping, have fun like win achieve this goal. It seems to me like truth. I want to continue to read this book and then add some new points from this book.

et-David tells us that one of the reasons for his success was the army because there he learned to discipline and just forget what procrastination is. Also, he thought that his marriage has to be later because he should become financially free, but one day his mentor told him that Patrick is wrong, because everybody at least should start and take action then find ways. If we wait, we will never get the right moment for something. Marriage was just an example. We can use this rule for anything. For example, if you want to start a business, you should go to take action when this idea comes to your mind.


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