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Many things that used to be done in the home by hands are now being done by machines. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of this trend (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, people are increasingly noticing that the more time passes, the more people use machines to obtain certain goods or personal gain. Some people start turning to the help of machines to perform and create something, while other people categorically refuse to use machine labor. In this essay, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.

One of the main arguments in favor of using products made by machines is quality assurance.

Each machine that makes something works according to a certain algorithm that allows you to accurately create a product.

Moreover, the development of machine production has reduced the time that was previously spent in large quantities on the creation of things and some products. For example, machines for making carpets. Naturally, everyone used to sew by hand, but it took more than three days to create one carpet when now a machine can create a whole batch of carpets in the same three days.

On the other hand, increasing the amount of machine production reduces the mass of those people whose products were created by hand. Making things at home is a kind of art that machines cannot replicate. For example, creating unique embroideries on clothes and accessories. Now mass production makes the same embroidery on clothes, while people manually make drawings on things individually and uniquely.

Additionally, some people generally dislike any product made by machines. They only use what can be done at home without involving any production

In conclusion, I believe that the use of machine labor facilitates some tasks and saves a person's time, but do not forget about manual labor and home-made products, which are valued by time, labor and individuality.


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