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40. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily teach it example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Every person who knows its language well can teach it. Nowadays learning a foreign language is considered popular and an indicator of a good-educated person to some extent. Some people believe that if you know the language then you have unconfirmed permission to teach. Some people think that if you want to teach someone then you must get the proper education and all the necessary personal qualities.

In my opinion, lessons with the person who is not “confirmed” to be a teacher can not be beneficial for you.

People spend years studying to get the certificate of a teacher and, to their surprise, there are people who are just fluent in the language and want to compete with them. I consider it a big problem because a lot of people turn out to be deceived by “teachers” who do not have permission to teach. They will probably have a lot of mistakes in grammar and speech that they may not notice but the student will repeat them.

Besides, professional teachers have all the necessary social skills such as patience, the ability to communicate with people of different ages, they know how to restrain emotions. The professional teachers, unlike those who are just fluent in the language, practically do not make mistakes in grammar or speech so you will definitely have the advantage from these lessons.

However, there are people who consider that anyone fluent in the language can be beneficial for them. They say that the price of professional teachers’ services is too high. You can easily find someone who does not have a certificate of teaching — that will be cheaper and no less useful.

I can not agree with this opinion completely because I'm sure that people who do not have the proper teaching education do not have enough knowledge and abilities to teach someone. Certified teachers’ services must be high because of the efforts they put into lessons and the amount of useful information they give you. A lot of people around you may be fluent in the language you want to study but it does not mean that they can present you the information in the right way and at your own pace. Professionals have a well-prepared lesson each time you meet them.

To sum up, I want to claim that not everyone who knows the language well enough can teach. They may not be able to correctly present information to you, they may also make mistakes. Professionals are always the best way to learn the language despite all the disadvantages.


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