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1. Space exploration was the greatest achievement of the 20th century 2. There are no men’s or women’s professions (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)


They consider that the invention of the internet was a more important event.

Despite all my respect to my opponents’ opinion, I do not find their arguments convincing enough. Nowadays, the Internet gives us many opportunities, but, anyway, it would not work without satellites floating in the space.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the problem of technology is still to be discussed.

ut for now, I will stay with my opinion, and I will say that space exploration was the greatest achievement of the 20th century.


Nowadays, the problem of work is very pronounced. Some people believe that there are no men’s or women’s professions while others think that there are jobs which suits only males or females.

In my personal opinion, there are jobs which suits only males or females. To start with, I would like to say that men are physically stronger by nature than women, and this is why there are almost only men who occupy different dangerous and strength-requiring profession.

Furthermore, men in general are more rational than women, who implies that many of them have the tendency to exact sciences, while women are more emotional and better in area of art or something similar.

However, many people think that there are no men’s or women’s professions. They consider that women and men have the same education and the same skills, which allows them to do one job.

Despite all my respect to my opponents’ opinion, I do not find their arguments convincing enough. Men and women can have the same skills, but men and women differ physically, so there is work that men or women cannot do.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the problem of work is still to be discussed.

But for now, I will stay with my opinion, and I will say that there are jobs which suits only males or females.


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