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Students who take gap years are more successful in their university studies (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It goes without saying that people have different opinions about situation when teenagers rest for a year before going to university. Some people believe that it is useful for self-determination. Others claim that it will have bad influence on the educational process in future.

In my opinion, a year of rest will have a good effect on studying at the university. During gap year teenagers could try to live on their own, get a job to earn money. Independent life will teach young people how to rationally allocate money and time. For example, my friend Alex took a gap year two years ago. She started living alone and earn money for a living. Then she entered the university a year ago. Now she can correctly allocate time. Unlike her classmates Alex is able to distinguish between work and rest time.

Secondly, a year of relaxation could help person to self-define. If a teenager has not decided what profession he or she want to choose, they may spend a year before university by travelling and thinking about future. During this year a person will be able to get to know themselves better and accurately determine their desires. If person is absolutely sure what he or she want in future, they will be more willing and better at learning materials. For instance, my mother could not decide whether she wanted to work as a translator or a doctor. She went on a trip to Europe for a whole year when she graduated school. She talked to English native speakers and realized that she really wanted to work as a translator. After entering the university my mother diligently studied the material to achieve her dreams and eventually became the best in her course.

However some people claim that gap year becomes the reason that a teenager, while suspending the educational process, does not want to continue studying in the future.

Nonetheless, I cannot agree with them, because in the year of rest before university many people have more free time, which they may spend on reading books, self-education and expending their horizons.

To sum up, I want to say that there are lots of opinions about this statement but I am convinced that a year of relaxation before the university gives people more opportunities to study more successful.


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