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Some people think that extreme sports help to build strong character (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

We live in a world where the problem of building a solid character by extreme and dangerous sports is controversial. Some people think that risky sports activity strengthens character while others believe that there is no benefit but the only harm from the extreme sport. Where is the truth?

In my opinion, extreme sports do not help to build character. Firstly, many science investigations from the UK, European countries tell us there is no benefit from extreme sports. Secondly, there can be many injuries from extreme sports because it mostly takes place in unsafe conditions. Some people tell in blogs that they suffer from anxiety after unlucky tries of doing extreme sports.

Anyway, we have another point of view on the issue. Some people think that extreme sport can be an excellent help for building a solid character.

Firstly, extreme sports require significant preparation before you start to do them, producing a character through the resistance. Secondly, dangerous conditions that can run into you may teach you how to navigate different situations and strengthen your character.

Despite my respect for the opinion, I cannot share it because not everyone prepares himself well. We can hear many stories from trainers about people who are not paying attention to the preparation, so they do not build any character. Secondly, you can navigate yourself well only when you have a basis of sports navigation. We cannot be sure of the preparation before extreme sports.

In conclusion, building a solid character through extreme sport is an unstable way. It would help if you were motivated. So you can find many methods to increase your strength.


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