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40. Some students believe that homework should be optional (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nobody likes to spend holidays or weekends doing maths, chemistry or biology tasks. There are a lot of opinions for and against the obligatory homework at schools and universities. Some people think that it is important to let students decide for themselves if they should do their homeworks.

In my opinion, homework at schools and universities should stay obligatory. First of all, it helps students to refresh their memory. You will remember the information much faster when you need it.

Secondly, regular homework can make you more responsible.

However, some people will disagree with my position. According to them, homework at schools and universities should be optional because it can help students to spend less time for subjects which are not important to their future and to spend more time for subjects which will play the main role in their future profession. Moreover, some people say that students with a good memory do not need to do their homework every time because it is much easier for them to remember the information and there is no necessary for them to refresh it twice and more.

Nevertheless, even the best memory can not stay like this without regular trainings and refreshings. If you do not repeat your study information often, over time it will become harder to remember it when it will be really need.

esides, spending more time for one subject than for others can make your marks worst so you will have to correct them.

To cum up, I can conclude that homework at schools and universities should not be optional because it can cause many troubles for students.


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