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Some of my friends say it's better to read a good book while others would rather watch its film version (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays the problem of arranging between a book or its film version has great arguments and controversy. Some people think that it is amazing to read a book, while others believe it is great to watch a film version of it. Where is the truth?

I personally believe that it is more great to read a book.

ecause it gives people clear, fascinating and precise information of the work. Firstly, an interesting book many important details of the story. Secondly, books won’t make harm to your eyes at all. Thirdly, a book will tell you an author position clearly.

We also have another point of view in the issue. Some people consider watching a film version as the best way of familiarizing with a book. Firstly, movie could get you an information quickly so you can know everything important without reading it through hours.

Secondly, a film version can be even brighter and more interesting than the book as we all know many movies that give us unforgettable masterpieces of art.

Despite my respecting to this opinion I cannot share it as a quick information–is not always high-quality, you just will not understand the work deeply and a film version wins for a book very rare mostly directors place many details and collisions of his own in his movie.

In conclusion I would like to say that reading books is more exciting and astonishing for inquisitive people.


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