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Everyone should know the history of the country they live in + letter (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)



18 July 2020

Dear Sam,

Thanks for your previous letter, it was good to hear from you again.

You ask me about my attitude towards computers. Well, I have one at home, and it has full changed my life. Since I have a computer, it has become much more convenient to look for information and spend my free time. People think that computers have a bad influence on teens, but I reckon that they have tremendously improved lives of all the people. As for me, I use it for doing my homework, watching films, chatting with friends and many other things.

Congratulations on your coming holiday! Where are you going? How long are you going to spend there? How far is it from your home?

Write back soon.

With love,


Nowadays people pay less attention to the place they were born in.

It is popularly believed that every citizen should be familiar with the history of his motherland. However, some persons have a different view on this issue. In this essay I am going to express my own opinion on it.

I advocate that every resident of a country has to be aware of his ancestors and their experience. Firstly, the history of one’s motherland includes cultural heritage and wisdom of previous generations. Knowing it, we can preserve national identity of various states. Secondly, the awareness of historical events can facilitate the governing process and help to избежать ошибок, which will probably be useful in future.

The opponents disagree and suggest that (+перифраза), as not everybody is interested in this subject, some people can simply experience issues with memorizing dates and historical evidences. So, there is no reason for such people to waste their time on history.

However, I cannot agree with the opponents’ opinion. I do believe that everyone must study and know the history of his motherland. Though it can be complicated, learning something about the ancestors is one of the ways to pay respect to one’s native country, which has to be done without any exceptions.

To sum up, I would like to say that we all need to understand historical events that took place in the state we were brought up in, as it is our home, we should respect the heritage of our ancestors and learn a lesson from it.


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