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40. Some people think that you can master the language only if you study it abroad, in the native speaking environment (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people believe that the only way of learning to speak a foreign language fluently is to study it abroad, while the others are convinced that it is also possible to master your skills in your own country.

Personally, I think that you don’t have to live in a foreign country to learn a language. I think, that a person can achieve anything if he sets a goal and moves towards it. You need to have a great willpower to learn any language, as mastering your skills takes a lot of effort and time.

esides, today it is a lot easier to get closer to the foreign environment via films, series and videos in the original language on the Internet.

Moreover, numerous online language schools have appeared in the last decade, so it’s easy to find native speakers who could teach you any language.

However, some people argue that you can only master your language by studying it abroad. In this case you have a marvelous opportunity to communicate with native speakers and understand how language works in real life. Furthermore, studying the language abroad can help you to get rid of the accent and making mistakes in pronunciation.

As for me, I do not agree with this point of view. Today there are lots of apps which allow you to meet people from all over the world online and talk to them, even for free. Such method is called “Tandem-learning”. Native speakers can give you some useful advice regarding pronunciation or slang expressions.

In summary, I think that nowadays people have lots of opportunities to study languages. The only thing that matters is how much you want it.


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