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Some people think that young people should follow in their parents' footsteps when choosing a profession example пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

10 из 14
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People always hesitate when they are faced the choice of choosing the profession. Some people think that it is better to follow parents’ footsteps when choosing a career. Others believe that young people should choose the profession according to their talents.

In my opinion, teenagers should follow the career of their choice. First of all, different people have different talents. If parents can be good at engineering, their child can be good at drawing or singing. Secondly, there are some out-of-date professions. In this case, if a child follows in his parents’ footsteps, he or she will not find the job. Lastly, new technologies offer new opportunities to work and fulfill potential.

Nevertheless, some people think that it is better for young people to choose the same career as their parents.

Firstly, they can receive a support. Parents understand how to help their children in different cases, because they have an experience in this field. Moreover, children in the early years can learn skills from their parents; they can be involved in a family business and will become successful.

However, I cannot agree with the above point of view. Over the years the situation changes and parents may not be so well versed in the problem.

esides, a person may feel dissatisfied if he does something that he does not like.

In conclusion, I would like to say that tastes differ. However, I strongly believe that young people should choose the profession as they see fit.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 2 балла

В заключении акцент делается на различиях во вкусах, тогда как вывод собственно по теме эссе выносится в последнее предложение.

К2 (организация текста) – 2 балла

Опровержение противоположного мнения неправомерно разделено на два абзаца.

К3 (лексика) – 3 балла

they are faced the choice of choosing the profession – they are faced with the choice of profession [Нужно устранить тавтологию].

К4 (грамматика) – 1 балл

1) they are faced the choice of choosing the profession – they are faced with the choice of profession [Нужно добавить предлог with, а также убрать артикль перед словом profession];

2) to follow parents’ footsteps – to follow in parents’ footsteps [Нужно добавить предлог in];

3) choose the profession – choose a profession [Нужно поменять артикль];

4) in his parents’ footsteps – in his or her / their parents’ footsteps [Необходимы нейтральные местоимения];

5) find the job – find a job [Нужно поменять артикль];

6) fulfill potential – fulfill one's potential [Желательно добавить местоимение в качестве определения];

7) receive a support – receive support [Артикль не требуется];

8) he does something that he does not like – he or she does something that he or she does not like / they do something that they do not like [Необходимы нейтральные местоимения].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 2 балла

esides Besides [Пропущена первая буква в слове].

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