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Free time — what's that? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Free time, leisure time — the period of time when a person not having the required cases to himself in the choice of occupation. Vigorous activity similar to the work that man chooses himself in a time called a hobby, it is done for the sake of performance and results, not for a living. Hobbies develop us spiritually and physically and expand our horizons. Our life would be poor and boring without them.

Nowadays study takes a lot of time in life of children. They're either completely immersed in the study, or immersed in their gadgets. In connection with this, children haven't got other interests, they also lose all interest in life. School kids don't have time for hobbies any more. How good is that? They turn into robots that can perform primitive features such as: go to school, come home, make the lessons, etc.

Children do not try think logically, dream and remember something because of the close connection with gadgets.

ut parents often send their children to schools further development, such as music schools, art, sports clubs. In these children can escape from the boring lessons, relax, make friends, even better to know your inner world can be determined with future profession and more. Moreover, I believe that this is the best and most useful way to occupy their free time.

in addition to studying in music schools, sports clubs, it is also important to remember about joint walks in the fresh air, going to the cinema, museum and more. this also develops children, gives them the opportunity to get to know their city, to get closer to their parents.

In conclusion I'd like to say that the organization of leisure is an important element of our life. I suppose, it is necessary to spend free time with benefit and pleasure, especially in childhood.


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